Saturday, July 9, 2016

Bigger War

As I sat outside today on my break at work, a young man who worked in the building that employs over 500 people sat on a bench near me. He looked at his phone and then exclaimed, "THIS is getting out of hand!"

I smiled and said, "What? The shootings?"

He nodded.

I said, "And it's happening here, in the south. I wonder when the rednecks are gonna get involved?"

He said, "It's pretty close."

I said, "My whole family is nothing but a bunch of rednecks. Me? I gave up getting involved reading up on or even worrying about that stuff two years ago. I decided there is a bigger war, and I want to be involved in THAT one."

He just looked at me.

I said, "It's been written. We already know who is going to win THAT one."

I realized I was still smiling. How could I smile? People are getting shot and killed and families are being torn apart. Someone's daddy was murdered. Someone's son died trying to keep the peace. What in the world was happening? And, me? I just smiled.

I guess I just felt as if nothing could touch me. Even if it did, I know where I'll end up. I felt at peace in the midst of the turmoil this young man was feeling. I am a soldier in the Army of God. I am an ambassador to the King of Kings, Lord of Lords. And, all I have to do is sit back, prepare for the worst, hope for the best and watch how it plays out...because God is God, and God WILL be God in the end.

I wish that all had that peace, and the joy that goes with knowing who wins in the end, and that I am on the side that does.

If this has inspired you, please share it!

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