Saturday, October 8, 2016

Greater is He that is in me....(By Rose Marie)

1 John 4:4
“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”

I am who I am and I make no apologies for being the woman God helped me to be.

I use to worry so much about what people thought of me. Was I pretty, was I pleasing, was I liked, was I, was I..... And one day I woke up and realized I was taking in the thinking of the world and not my Jesus.

He gave the TRUTH in love and walked daily what HE taught. He gave all honor and glory to God HIS and our FATHER and cloaked Himself in the fruits of the SPIRIT.

He was the salt, HE was the light. He was all we should aspire to be, within our human capability.

It's not about me! I am called to be an extension of HIM. I need to stop worrying about "I" and get busy being about my Father's business.

One day soon...very soon....I am going to be standing alone in front of Jesus, the one and only true judge, and I will have to give an account of my life........

I can't help but ask myself daily....Will HE be pleased with my heart and what it reveals? Will HE see my fruit and say it is GOOD? Will HE see my works and say well done my child? Will HE see my life and say welcome home or will I be sent away, departed from HIM for all eternity?

I know His grace covers all and being saved is a free gift that no one can take from me and nothing I could ever do on my own could earn me that gift! I know that nothing can separate me from His LOVE and His gift is freely given to all mankind in love! I know it's not anything I can do that saves me, but His love, mercy, and grace! But when you love Him, you desire to do more, to love more, to share Him and his eternal promise with everyone. Paul himself talked about finishing the race strong.......I desire to do the same!

It must not be about me, popularity, or this world. I must rise above the sin, crucify flesh daily, speak the TRUTH in all humility and love and be about my Father. Time is short. It's time to "be ye separate" " to be a peculiar person" and to share God's love with all. It's time to say goodbye to "I" and embrace true Christ living.

If this has inspired you, please share it!

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