Monday, March 18, 2024


Read Genesis 11:1-9

Before the earth split apart, everyone spoke one language.

They figured out how to make brick and mortar, and decided to build a city with a tower that reached the heavens. Today, we call them "sky-scrapers".

God looked down and saw that, and He was afraid that if they remained together as one, their knowledge would run rampant. He still wanted men to remain in their "innocent" stages. He wanted to do something to slow their progress.

Looking at the previous books of Genesis, it is easy to conclude that this was when God decided to divide the earth. He probably sent a great earthquake that destroyed the tower. He "confounded their languages" so they couldn't communicate with each other. They scattered all over the earth.

That city and tower became known as "Babel"; because everyone was "babbling", I'm sure.

We really don't know how the tower was destroyed, but there are many accounts that lead to the same conclusions, or similiar.

It is thought that the tower was build in the ancient land of Mesopatamia, somewhere in Iraq.

If you are interested in reading some of it, I would suggest you read about it in the New World Encyclopedia online by clicking HERE. It is an interesting read!

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