Wednesday, September 21, 2016

A Chosen Generation

Read Genesis 5

Table 1: Dates of biblical events from Creation

Event/Person Passage Total Time from Creation (years)
God created everything. Genesis 1–2 0
Adam became the father of Seth at 130. Genesis 5:3 0 + 130 = 130
Seth became the father of Enosh at 105. Genesis 5:6 130 + 105 = 235
Enosh became the father of Kenan at 90. Genesis 5:9 235 + 90 = 325
Cainan became the father of Mahalalel at 70. Genesis 5:12 325 + 70 = 395
Mahalalel became the father of Jared at 65. Genesis 5:15 395 + 65 = 460
Jared became the father of Enoch at 162. Genesis 5:18 460 + 162 = 622
Enoch became the father of Methuselah at 65. Genesis 5:21 622 + 65 = 687
Methuselah became the father of Lamech at 187. Genesis 5:25 687 + 187 = 874
Lamech became the father of Noah at 182. Genesis 5:28 874 + 182 = 1056
The Flood started when Noah was 600. Genesis 7:6 1056 + 600 = 1656

So from the year of the Creation until the year that the flood came there were a total of 1,656 years according to the Bible.

Adam got to live long enough to see every grandson, great grandson and great great grandson, and so forth until Lamech, who was Noah's father.

Adam got to see Lamech, but not Noah or his sons before the flood.

While Methuselah's name means "It will come when he is dead", we can assume this means that Methuselah died before, but in the same year as, the flood.

Lamech died 5 years before the flood, according the the genealogy in this chapter.

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