Prayers are appreciated for Daywind staff songwriter, Gerald Crabb. He was admitted into the hospital last night with chest pains. Due to several blockages, by-pass surgery will be required. Please be in prayer for him as he faces this surgery and several weeks recovery to follow.
Be sure to watch for updates as we get them.
Note from the God Inspires Editor:
Last night, the 1st Bikers Church group posted a notice that one of the greatest Southern Gospel singers of all time, (who will be visiting our church in December) is having heart surgery. So, I went on Youtube to find a song to post at my God Inspires web site and this is what I found.
I love this song. The way I feel today...the way I feel EVERY day as I struggle to make ends meet, I continue to hold on tight to my faith and it carries me through. Each day I wake up feeling SOOO blessed. I look forward to whatever challenges come my way because I KNOW there is a God and that He is with me. I see His work in my life on a DAILY basis. Sometimes every MINUTE of it. I know the only reason I have the aches and pains I feel right now, coupled with the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is because HE has blessed me. I feel secure as I lay down at night to sleep.
Sometimes, the mountains don't move, but the Lord has been gracious in helping me climb! I thank God for singers and songwriters like Gerald Crabb who help give us a platform for Praising an Awesome God! And Gerald is in our prayers at God Inspires!
If this has inspired you, please share it!

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