Nashville, TN - January 20, 2016 (God Inspires) -- Stop Hunger Now will celebrate its newest warehouse location at a Grand Opening event on Saturday, Jan 23, 2016 at Calvary United Methodist Church. Country music legend Vince Gill will be on hand to help package meals along with 500 volunteers during the four-hour event.
“I’ve always believed that if somebody needs a helping hand, you should reach out to help,” said Gill. “I’m looking forward to packaging meals and learning more about Nashville’s newest nonprofit, Stop Hunger Now, and how our community can support their vision of ending world hunger.”
The event will mark the accomplishments of supporters, funders and meal packaging volunteers that helped establish Stop Hunger in Tennessee. To date, more than 1.4 million meals have already been packaged in the Nashville area. In just the past year, Stop Hunger Now engaged more than 2,000 volunteers from the Nashville area.
Stop Hunger Now meal packaging events are a volunteer-based program that coordinates the streamlined packaging of highly nutritious dehydrated meals comprised of rice, soy, vegetables, flavoring, and 23 essential vitamins and minerals. The popular and effective meal packaging program provides local residents–churches, civic groups, businesses, schools–a hands-on way to help end world hunger.
Groups of all sizes and ages can organize a meal packaging event with Stop Hunger Now to assemble meals that are used to support development programs such as school feeding, vocational training, and early childhood development programs, orphanages, and medical clinics. Working with these programs helps enhance lives by giving beneficiaries the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty through education, skills development, and health care while also receiving much-needed nutrition.
Stop Hunger Now President and CEO Rod Brooks will be on hand for for this grand opening event. “We are grateful that the Nashville community has welcomed us and shown such strong support,” said Brooks. “What we want everyone to know is that hunger is solvable and is the common thread among the world’s most challenging issues. We look forward to engaging the Nashville community in our vision to end world hunger.”
Stop Hunger Now operates meal packaging locations in 21 other cities throughout the U.S. and six international affiliates. The new Nashville warehouse is located at 156 Space Park South.
For more than 18 years, Stop Hunger Now has been creating a movement to end hunger. More than 200 million meals have been packaged and distributed along with other aid to 73 countries impacting millions of lives. The organization is driven by a mission to end hunger in our lifetime by providing food and life-changing aid to the world’s most vulnerable and by creating a global commitment to mobilize the necessary resources.
The Stop Hunger Now meal packaging program was created to give dedicated individuals the opportunity to participate in a hands-on international hunger relief program and to become educated, engaged advocates for the world’s poor and hungry. In 2015, Stop Hunger Now and its global affiliates packaged 51.3 million meals.
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